OSM Krasnystaw is the modern company cooperating with over three hundred distributors of dairy products from all over Poland. Its tradition dates back to the beginning of the last century - it was founded in 1913.
OSM in the past...
The beginnings of the Cooperative were extremely modest – with over 40 farmers supplying it with their milk. All production equipments were manually operated. Luckily the activities of the Cooperative were not interrupted by Second World War. In 1957, the District Dairy Cooperative was founded with its seats in Zażółkwia near Krasnystaw. The following years brought investments in the new production buildings. The milk collection points were established. The construction of the modern powder plant turned out to be the significant step in the process of development (1974). Ten years later, a new production plant specializing in the production of drinking milk, butter and cottage cheese was put into operation. Due to the purchase of the modern production lines, the years 1994-1996 initiated the huge changes in processing. As a result, the OSM Krasnystaw brand was becoming more and more popular. The end of the nineties became the period of dynamic development of the company. Signing the commercial contracts with the wholesalers and with the retail chains made Krasnystaw products known and recognizable throughout the country. In 2003 the company merged with OSM in Lublin, and in 2004 with Zamojska Spółdzielnia Mleczarska.
...Today OSM...
Krasnystaw is a company that collects milk from over 2,000 suppliers from all the districts of the Lublin Province. It employs nearly 600 employees, processes 160 million liters of milk annually, and thus dynamically increases its revenues. The largest producer of the dairy industry in the region OSM Krasnystaw is constantly investing in its development. It introduces modern solutions and technologies that are designed to improve products and ensure their highest quality. The production is fully automated: modern machines and computers oversee the process of processing milk into final products, which are then placed on the shelves.
Thanks to this OSM Krasnystaw is at the top ten in the country in terms of the production and quality of its products.